Naressa Araes

Mein Name ist Naressa Araës und ich bin 20 Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Hoachanas, einem kleinen Dorf mit ca 3500 Einwohnern. Ich war in der 3. Klasse als meine Mutter verstorben ist. Seit dem Tod meiner Mutter kümmerte sich meine Großmutter um mich. Sie ist jetzt 85 Jahre alt und gelähmt.

Ich komme aus einer benachteiligten Familie. Meine Großmutter, die Rentnerin ist, kümmert sich um alles.  Sie zahlt von ihrer Rente (ca. 75 €)  das Essen, den Strom, Wasser und auch meine Toilettenartikel. Ich bin wirklich sehr glücklich und dankbar, ein Patenkind des HCF zu sein.

Ich studiere für das Lehramt an Realschulen an der Universität von Namibia. Ich bin jetzt im 3. Jahr. Seit fünf Jahren bin ich ein Patenkind des HCF, das ist eine große Erleichterung für meine Familie. Mit der monatlichen Beihilfe zahle ich meine Grundbedürfnisse. Ich möchte weiter studieren, damit ich, wenn ich mein Studium erfolgreich absolviert habe, einen Job und eigenes Einkommen habe und meine Familie unterstützen kann.

Ich möchte mich herzlich bedanken, für die Unterstützung. Es bedeutet mir sehr viel und ich weiß es zu schätzen. Meine Familie hätte sich das alles nicht leisten können. Sie sind ein Segen für unsere Gemeinschaft.

Bericht April

A very good morning to you all🌞.I believe you’re doing great. All is well with me too😌

As most of you know, we’ve started with online learning to continue with the studies despite the status que. Not all the students are being catered for during this lockdown period regarding online learning as some went back to their villages where they do not have internet access unless they recharge aweh or there’s just no network tower at all. I do not know what alternative UNAM will use to assess this students because it’s not their fault.  I hope everything will work out in the end. Most of us got TN mobiles that are being recharged with data every month which enables us to attend our online classes but it only functions in some areas like Khomasdal,Otjomuise,Rocky Crest etc unlike some remote areas like Havana,Dolam and so on. This TN only functions in some areas where a network tower is closer to the location.
Furthermore the assessments we do online will determine our final mark:  it’ll be derived from the continuous assessments we do online. No examinations will take place as it will not be our true reflection. The classes are a new experience as we’re being expose to doing new things and learning is self-directed most of the times as we’re the ones to decide what study methods to choose. Moreover the Covid-19 pandemic has affected every part of the human being. A special thanks to HCF that always has our back,you did it again once again,we really appreciate what you’re doing for our community it means a lot to us. Every little thing you do counts. Thank you for your endless support, God will bless you abundantly for serving this vulnerable children and old people-these are our families:our siblings, parents and grandparents and I truly appreciate your service. Thank you for your helping hand during this period of the Covid-19 pandemic. You always find a way to solve our problems. You’ve done so much and is still doing a lot more. Words will not even express how we truly appreciate this organisation 🙏. You are a blessing 😔😔. Thank you very much ♥️.
May God keep you under his wings and protect you from all evil. Blessed day

Bericht März

Good morning donors, I believe everyone of you is healthy and is doing well.I’m fine.😊

The studies are still going well, we’re currently on recess which has been extended due to COVID 19 to the 20th of April but the lecturers have made provisions and we will start with online learning on the 30th meaning we will submit our assignments online and write our tests there as well. We will be learning on our own which is not difficult at all because we’re mature enough to prioritize. I don’t know if this will be possible as we have students from very far villages where there is no wifi. It also means that we need to buy our own data and all that because the library will not be open even the hostel but we will see how it goes. I think management have considered all this factors before making that decision however the idea is great because we will finally continue with our learning. I did not do my School Based Studies because schools have also closed.
I believe that this virus will be eliminated somehow. My field of study is still enjoying 😌✌️
Furthermore there are no complains. I am in Windhoek where my aunt is rending and I’ll just remain here so when there is anything to enquire I’ll go straight to campus myself which is better in times like this. Yoh this Corona Virus has spoiled and affected everything even some people don’t work anymore while others are working from home. Nontheless please stay safe follow the right precautions and quarantine yourself,this virus is not a joke. May the Lord keep you under his wings and always protect you. Lastly thank you once again HCF for your endless support, God will bless you abundantly. 🤗🤗
Stay blessed and have a good day ahead 🙏


Die Feldkahl-Suppenküche