Studenten schreiben monatlich Berichte


Die Studenten des HCF schreiben jeden Monat einen Tätigkeitsbericht. Hier ist z.B. der Bericht von Naressa, der zukünftigen Lehrerin, für den Monat Mai:

Good evening donors,I would like to thank the Almighty for giving us another new day again and enabled our communication.

I hope you are doing fine over there.I am okay too.It’s winter and it is a bit cold this side,I guess it must be snowing there right now.

I have qualified for the examination.I hope and promise to do well in my exams as it is the only thing I am focusing on for now.However studying at UNAM has changed my life a bit,it made me realize my dreams,vision and mission.I’m focused on my life and studies although there are other things as well. I’ve come to realize that I’m a dream chaser because I don’t only have one dream.I also have other dreams as well that I want to implement in the future.I look at every obstacle as a stepping stone to success.When you chase a dream then you will definitely come across challenges because there is an obstacle in each an every success.Success doesn’t just come like that by luck.You have to work on it in order to put it in action.Life is never easy for everyone but living your life according to good and fair choices will make it better.

In five years I see myself being a successful teacher specialized in English and KKG.I will be one of the few people that will complete my university studies.I will be an icon to my loved one’s and will also be one of the best teachers.I will live as a responsible adult saving,working hard and earning a good salary. In five years from now I will be working to own my own house and then a car.

We are busy with the examination that will end on the 5th of June.I’m travelling to Hoachanas for the holiday. The classes will commence on the 9th of July.I’m eternally greatful and highly appreciate your positive influence in my life.I am pleased with everything you are doing for me since day one

May you have a blessed day ahead

Take care😘😘😘

Yours sincerely

Naressa Araës

Garten in der AME-Schule