Namcol-students vor den Prüfungen
Diesen Brief haben die Jugendlichen gemeinsam für die Spender verfasst:
Dear Sponsors/donors
It is indeed a big honor and privilege to address this letter to you as the Namcol students of this year’s 2018 through Hoachanas Children Fund.
In general Namibia/Hoachanas is very dry and hot, we were supposed to get rain already but nothing yet, on Sunday we had several drops but not enough.
Last year was very challenging, because of lack of information regarding the registration for exams and etc. So for this year we wanted to be on track to do the best in our ability to be on the safe, meaning to hand in our assignment on time, gather the information as much as we can and spread it to the students. Mrs. Angelika and Immanuel did a very good job till the last minute for us especially the grade 10’s to be able to write the exams.
Thanks once again for their effort and determination.
Now are we in preparations for the final examination of year, we are pushing and will do our best , many of us just need few points (2-3) to go to a higher learning institution.
As the youth of Hoachanas we want to develop our settlement that’s why we want to use every opportunity given to us. We are very optimistic about our results for next year.
For all those reasons are we looking forward for your kind support next year.
Thanks once again
Namcol students

Fast alle Namcol-students kamen gestern zur Arche, um sich noch einmal bei den Spendern zu bedanken. Ein Jahr lang haben sie selbstständig gelernt, finanziert aus „freien Spenden“. Sie werden in den kommenden Wochen ihre Abschlussprüfungen schreiben. Wir hoffen, dass damit viele ihre Ergebnisse verbessern können und sie danach einen erfolgreichen Schulabschluss vorweisen können. Viel Erfolg!

Gretha übergab ihnen die Tüte mit Toilettenartikeln, die auch die anderen Patenkinder erhalten werden. Sie haben sich sehr gefreut!