High-School-Patenkind bedankt sich für Brille


Selma Kamure ist in der 12. Klasse an der High School in Rehoboth. Sie ist seit einigen Jahren Patenkind des Hoachanas-Children-Fund und kann nur mit dieser Unterstützung die High School besuchen. Vielleicht gehört sie zu den landesweit 10% der Schulabgänger nach der 12. Klasse, die die Prüfungen bestehen und zu einem Studium zugelassen werden. Dieser Brief kam heute von ihr. Anlass war die finanziele Unterstützung zum Kauf einer Brille.

Dear sponsor

First of all I have thanked the heavenly father for granting us another fruitful year which we have to take advantage and work to our fullest of potential. Most of all I love to thank the heavenly father for granting such wonderful donors, I pray that you are kept safe and are eager to help the needy.


I am writing this letter just to thank you in person for all the help I received from till today, If it was not for you I don’t know what would have happened with my education. You are there for me in every step of my education and that’s something I won’t forget for the rest of my life. Since your inception in my life, I have to say that things are really working out for me. I also wish that the whole your family is well and is in good condition. A wise man once said that you have to thank the ones in your life that gave you assistance when you needed before it’s too late to thank them. So I hope and trust that all the good things in life would be in your life and also in your family for the months to come.

With this few words I would love to thank you again for all the assistance you are giving me, and I hope that my thanks giving would be accepted with whole hearted.  I can see nicely with the glasses. Thank you again.

Yours sincerely

Selma Kamure


Einladung zum Jubiläum 25 Jahre HCF mit Besuch aus Hoachanas