A Proud Product of Hoachanas Children Fund


Ein ehemaliges Patenkind bedankt sich:

Dear Doners

I’m Abraham Isak Dausab, 24 years of ages a police officer a omega resettlement area under department of combating crime in western caprivi region Namibia.

I started my school at P.J.Tsaitsaib Junior Secondary School in 1996 from grade 1 up to grade 10 year 2005 and continued my  Senior High School at Mariental High School were I completed my grade 12 in 2007. I must say that I’m one of the fortunate people to be groomed and raise by this wonderful fund. It has been a light of my light ever since I was too little to know how or where it really comes from. One can’t really thank enough or thousand words can’t make up for the life changing  support  this fund has given me.

I remember back in my primary School days when the fund wasn’t in existence the principle would parade all toughs learners who didn’t pay school fees and send them home to go collect their parents, some learners would go for ever me & my friend would go hide around the classes. As soon as Hoachanas Children fund come long gone were the days of worries about school fees & one would go to school with a smile on your face, for that I thank you gradely once more . When this program started we were only known as sponsored kids today its known as Hoachanas Children Fund which shows that it has grown over the years and whole Hoachanas is benefiting directly or indirectly. Although I would propose that the management of the fund would look in to training grade 10 drop outs in plumping, capentry, tourisn & many other skilled labour. As the investment of ten years in this learner goes to waste if he/she happens to fail grade 10 & never make it at Namibian Collages of Open learning but this is only my suggestion otherwise I’m very much grateful and happy with the development this Fund has reach so far.

With my closing words I would not like to specify but my hole hearted thank you goes out to all those who have supported this Hoachanas Children Fund with their heart, mind, soul & their contributions, your hard earned money does not go to waste & I’m one of those simple that may surf as a good result.

Yours sincerely

Abraham Isak Dausab

Die Feldkahl-Suppenküche